Earlier this year we learned 'Cinderella Surgery' is a real thing - and it's on the rise. More women are paying big money to have their toes shortened to alter the size and shape of their feet so that they can fit into designer heels.
Cosmetic procedures to shorten/lengthen toes, shave off excess bone and remove excess fat from are increasing in the UK and America sparked by an obsession with the appearance of their feet.

Danielle Sandler is just one of many women who has had 'Cinderella Surgery' and regretted it afterwards. "After the operation, I was in excruciating pain, and it soon became clear that something had gone wrong, because my toes were sticking up at a weird angle," she told the MailOnline.
"They didn't touch the floor when I stood up. A few weeks later, I had to have a second operation to try to correct them, but they still have an upwards slant.
"After six weeks, they pulled out the hooks in my toes without anesthetic, which was so painful I almost passed out."
The worst part? Aside from losing full function of her toes, Danielle said, "I'm resigned to the fact that most fashionable, sexy shoes are out of the question, and I'll spend my life in flats."
Dr Jason Hargrave, a consultant in podiatric surgery at Harley Street's Cosmetic Foot Surgery Centre, explained the recent rise in feet surgery to the newspaper.
"Cosmetic foot surgery is a rapidly growing trend, fuelled by the popularity of Sex and the City-style killer heels.
"They're seen as the most glamorous, desirable accessory, and not being able to wear them can be depressing. All my patients say they long to wear open-toed shoes, but that they can't because they hate their feet," he said.
While the cost starts out at around £4,500 there is also the matter of local anesthetic, recovery time, wiring in the toes and the risk of infection, swelling, stiffness and complications.
Would you really go to these lengths to squeeze into your Christian Louboutins? is this kind of vanity just plain crazy? Let us know what you think on Twitter @MyDailyUK
MORE ON COSMETIC SURGERY! Watch this to see how foot surgery is becoming more and more popular amongst women...