Separation, Divorce, Stepfamilies: How To Help Children Cope

Separation, Divorce, Stepfamilies: How To Help Children Cope
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Nearly half of all children born today will see the breakdown of their family unit. It's a scary prospect, but a free webinar hosted by a UK family charity aims to help families make the transition with minimal damage to their children.

The online seminar is part of Family Lives' awareness campaign to support families during and after a breakup. It takes place on Wednesday 19th February at 7.30pm and will be led by family law solicitor Tamara Glanvill and parenting expert and advice columnist Suzie Hayman.

The webinar will cover all aspects of family breakdown, from separation to divorce to starting a new family. Topics for discussion will include conflict management, keeping in contact with ex-partners and living in a blended family. The seminar will be followed by a Q&A.

You can tune in from any computer, and all you need to participate is a set of headphones. To reserve a place, email with 'separation webinar' included in the subject heading.
