Louise Mensch's Latest Twitter Gaffe Is Her Best Yet

Louise Mensch's Latest Twitter Gaffe Is Her Best Yet

Former Conservative MP Louise Mensch is fast building a reputation for a limited nuance in religious affairs after getting into a muddle during a heated Twitter exchange about Israel.

The Sun columnist managed to offend both anti-Zionists and Zionists by claiming she would block the founding father of Zionism from her Twitter timeline.

The gaffe came when she began tweeting last night that she intended to mute the word "Zionist" from her feed because it was used to attack Jews.

Zionist, in its purest sense, means anyone who believes the state of Israel has a right to exist, but has become in many circles a term meaning supporting the actions of the Israeli government.

Several Twitter users pointed out this might mean genuine Zionists, for whom Mensch has expressed support, are blocked from her timeline.

One suggested that this would mean exclusion for Theodor Herzl, the founder of the World Zionist Organisation and a key instigator of Jewish immigration to mandate Palestine. He died more than 40 years before the state of Israel was established, but is considered one of its founding fathers.

But Mensch, who gave up her seat in parliament for a move to New York with her family, had never heard of Herzl.

This just about sums up Twitter's reaction.

The gaffe follows a widely tweeted image from Mensch's feed last week, when the 43-year-old posted calling for a US attack on Iraq to stop Isis jihadists advancing and threatening minority communities.

Mensch was also left red-faced in February, naming "British Muslims" she respected, without realising one of them is a Sikh.

Sunny Hundal, the founder of the now defunct blog Liberal Conspiracy, is not Muslim, but Sikh.

Asked to comment, Hundal told HuffPost UK: "I now plan to trim my beard more like a Sikh one, than a Muslim one."

Mensch was the Conservative Member of Parliament for Corby from 2010 to 2012.


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