Scottish Independence: Cameron, Clegg And Miliband Plead With Scots To Vote No

Cameron, Clegg And Miliband Plead With Scots To Reject Scottish Independence

David Cameron, Ed Miliband and Nick Clegg hit the campaign trail in Scotland on Wednesday, as the Westminster made a desperate last minute bid to convince Scots to reject independence.

In Edinburgh David Cameron pleaded with Scots not to vote for independence simply as a way of giving the "f-ing Tories" a kicking. The prime minister said he would "heartbroken" if the UK was broken up on September 18.

"People can feel like it's a bit like a general election. That you make a decision and five years later you can make another decision. If you’re fed up with the f-ing Tories give them a kick and then maybe we'll think again. This is totally different," he said.

In Cumbernauld, Lanarkshire, Ed Miliband said independence for Scotland would not deliver social justice, but plunge the country into a "race to the bottom" which would harm wages and working conditions.

"It has been said that the emotional argument lies with independence," he said. "Not for me. Not for so many people across our country. Because our hearts lie with you."

Solidarity between the nations of the UK had helped defeat fascism, build the NHS and secure a national minimum wage, said Miliband.

Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg is campaigning in the Borders region.

Alex Salmond earlier characterised today's campaigning as Team Scotland against Team Westminster. The first minister said ''The breadth and reach of the Yes campaign is there for all to see, it's not about the Scottish National Party, the Green Party, it goes right through every sector of Scottish society.

''What we're seeing today on the other side is Team Westminster jetting up to Scotland for the day because they are panicking in the campaign. We don't make any assumptions about the poll next week but nonetheless the evidence would indicate that more and more of our fellow citizens are becoming convinced by the arguments being put forward by their fellow citizens in the Yes campaign."

Labour, which has taken the lead in the No campaign, also deployed John Prescott onto the streets of Scotland. However the former deputy prime minister went slightly off message when he suggested merging the English and Scottish football teams.

On Wednesday morning Sir John Mayor, the former Tory prime minister, said if Scotland voted for independence it would be Labour's fault. Writing in The Times, he said Tony Blair's decision to devolve power to a Scottish parliament had been the "high road to separation".


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