Cassetteboy Thanks David Cameron Eminem-Style With A Comedy Conference Mashup

David Cameron Goes All Eminem In Conference Mashup

Cassetteboy, the duo famous for parody mashups like Cassetteboy vs the Bloody Apprentice, have paid tribute to David Cameron in a mashup of his speeches, following his Tory party conference appearance today.

[Warning: explicit language]

The revamped speech wouldn't have gone down quite so well with the party faithful at the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham. The edited Cameron declares the Tories are "the party of the motherf**kers".

Some of Cameron's 'rap lyrics', set to the backing track from Eminem's song Lose Yourself, read:

I come here/

With flows right from the top/

Everybody knows/

If you work for the shop/

We won't help you, and do you know what/

People rising from the bottom to the top/

Has got to stop

Cassetteboy made the mashup to thank Cameron for making parody videos exempt from copyright laws, a change which came into force on 1 October.

In an interview with The Huffington Post UK, Mike from Cassetteboy said the change meant they could finally earn some money from their videos, which have so far been given away for free on YouTube without advertising, to deter copyright holders from suing.

Although he noted: "However, if we use copyrighted material to make the most beautiful knob gag the world has ever seen, and it's not contained within a parody, that's still illegal."

The Huffington Post UK has made its own mashup of David Cameron's conference speech - his take on an Ian Dury classic:


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