‘Twin Peaks' Marks Its 25th Anniversary Of UK Debut: Where Are The Show's Stars Now? (PICTURES)

25 Years Ago Today, Twin Peaks Arrived... Where Are Its Stars Now?

25 years ago today... David Lynch introduced the bizarre nay bonkers world of ‘Twin Peaks’ to British viewers, when his singular take on TV drama made its debut on British television, with a 90-minute pilot episode aired on BBC2 on 23 October 1990.

The show ran for two seasons as viewers clamoured to discover who murdered Laura Palmer, from the cast of misfits we were introduced to - from the Log Lady to Agent Cooper, via the mysterious 'Bob'.

In case you somehow missed it, David and his co-creator Mark Frost have revealed that a long-awaited third series of 'Twin Peaks' is in the works, however, fans will have to wait until next year to find out exactly what's been going on in that strange town near the Canadian border.

In the meantime though, we’re casting an eye over the show’s cast and having a look at what they’ve been doing in the years since ‘Twin Peaks’ aired.

While some of the stars have gone on to carve successful careers in Hollywood, a number of others have taken different routes, trying everything from novel-writing to creating their own movies.

See what the ‘Twin Peaks’ cast have been up to below...


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