Professional troll Katie Hopkins has been well and truly served on Twitter – by a 21-year-old reality TV star.
The 39-year-old was gleefully abusing eight-piece band Stereo Kicks during what would be their final performance on X-Factor on Sunday.

Not playing ball... Katie Hopkins
Branding them “STEREO SHITS”, the 39-year-old appeared to revel in their failure to win the sing-off with Lauren Platt, tweeting: “Stereoshits wishing they had spent a bit of time at school instead of practicing with a hairbrush at the mirror. Burger King kick. NEET kick.”
NEETs are classified as those people aged from 16-24 who are not in education, employment or training.
Band member Tom Mann however, was not having any of it, and replied to Hopkins: “I got 3A*s and a B at A Level. You nob.”
Unperturbed, Hopkins continued her rally of abuse, tweeting: “Stereo Kicks army are fleeing like Kurds in a cross fire. Their words of advice are ill thought out… for an army.”
She then triumphantly added: “Stereo Kicks – showing all ugly boys they will be losers in the end.”
The band, whose members range in age from 14 to 21, have found themselves in Hopkins’s crosshairs, previously.
Of his retaliation, Mann told Yahoo Celebrity: “She’s sent quite a few mean tweets and the reply was not out of bitterness on our part.
“There’s nothing constructive, it’s needless.”
James Graham, 18, chipped in: “We despise her.”