Microsoft Is Finally Killing Clip Art

Clip Art Is No More

Microsoft has announced the news we've all been dreading: it is finally killing Clip Art from Microsoft Office.

The much-loved and entirely naff image library helped us 'spruce' up our essays throughout the 90s but now, sadly, the feature is being killed.

In a blog post, Microsoft's Doug Thomas explains that while we may love it, there was a slight problem which was that "usage of Office’s image library has been declining year-to-year as customers rely more on search engines."

The simple fact is we just don't need to use it any more, with Google, Bing and other search engines providing us with an army of visual content we're no longer reliant on the hand-drawn capabilities of Microsoft's own.

Clip Art is being replaced by Bing Images with a specific image filter that'll let you search only for images with the Creative Commons license.

It's a sad but inevitable end of an era that involved everyone's favourite talking paperclip and that wizard that almost nobody used.


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