This Henry Hoover Nativity Scene Wins The Internet

Henry Hoover Nativity Scene Is The Best Damn Thing We've Ever Seen

Hands down this is the best nativity scene we’ve ever laid eyes on.

Clustered in the front window of Sale Appliances in Southend you will find a traditional Christmas display featuring Mary, Joseph, the baby Jesus and the three kings – all beautifully played out by vacuum cleaners.

Henry Vacuum Cleaners to be precise.

Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, / The little Lord Henry lay down His sweet head

Lucy Sale told Huffington Post UK: “My dad and brother came up with it, they wanted to do a Christmas nativity and as we had a Henry and a Hettie hoover we decided they could be Joseph and Mary. The Henry in the manager is actually a teddy bear … and the rest just followed.”

Sale tells us the shop has already made plans for new displays for New Year and Valentines’ day, so watch this space…


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