HuffPost UK's Student Journalist Stories Of The Year 2014

HuffPost UK's Student Journalist Stories Of The Year

Protests, politics and perhaps the beginning of the end of lad culture - it's been a busy year for students.

The Scottish Referendum saw young people involved in politics like never before, while young people are already gearing up for next year's general election and galvanising their peers to vote. This year also saw students jump into action to defend their campuses from invasive police forces, with the Warwick University protest inspiring shows of support across the country.

But it's not just politics driving students; welfare and culture played a huge part in shaping the 2014 landscape. Mental health was a huge sticking point for young people. Publications ran pieces on personal battles against depression, they covered campaigns for better funding and support and gave students an opportunity to banish stigma.

And we couldn't round up this year without mentioning the F word. Feminism has grown unbelievably thanks to the support of student media. Whether its coverage of lad culture-style societies or giving the movement a voice, it's played a huge role in establishing that feminism is here to stay.

So we're continuing our tradition of rounding up the best student journalist stories from this year. From blogs to broadcast, features to FOIs, a lot of incredible content produced

It has been really hard to narrow it down to 20 entries, with a fair few hours spent deliberating over what should go in, what would have to come out to make space.

But, in no particular order, here are the 20 student journalist stories HuffPost UK voted as the best in 2014.


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