‘Celebrity Big Brother' Celebrates Record Ratings And Becomes Most-Tweeted About Show

'CBB' Becomes Most-Tweeted About TV Show
Celebrity Big Brother
Celebrity Big Brother
Channel 5

After returning to TV screens earlier this month, ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ has become the most tweeted about show, while also pulling in a record amount of viewers.

According to stats from Barb, ‘CBB’ has been the most-tweeted about show on Twitter, and on Sunday night, 3.2 million viewers tuned in to watch Alexander O’Neal exit the show.

Perez has caused plenty of drama

On Friday night, 2.9 million saw Katie Price’s surprise arrival, while 2.5 million saw arguments erupt between Perez Hilton, Alexander and Katie Hopkins.

The current series of ‘CBB’ has stunned viewers and at present count, only one housemate has left via an official eviction.

Over the weekend. Alexander made the decision to leave, while Jeremy Jackson and Ken Morley were both removed from the house.

Tuesday’s eviction has been cancelled, but bosses are promising a “nominations twist” in its place.

Since her arrival, Pricey hasn’t wasted any time getting settled in and hours after entering, she entertained the housemates with a tale about what happened when she caught her husband Kieran Hayler cheating.


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