The Secret To Long Life Is Eating Porridge And Avoiding Men, Says 109-Year-Old

'Say Yes To Porridge And No To Men,' Says Scotland's Oldest Woman

For those who want to hit one hundred and receive a letter from the queen, it might be worth taking a leaf out of 109-year-old Jessie Gallan's book.

The centenarian swears that two things have kept her spritely, happy and healthy throughout her life - copious amounts of porridge and, wait for it, no men. *Rubs ears*

Yes, you heard correctly.

Gallan, who is the oldest woman in Scotland, was born in a tiny, two bedroom farm cottage back in 1906. She had five sisters and a brother, who she shared a straw-filled mattress with to sleep on at night.

Aged 13, she left home to become a milkmaid. Later on in life she became a farm kitchen worker and then worked in a hotel.

Gallan, who now lives in a care home in Aberdeen, is still mobile (with the help of a frame) and attends exercise classes at the home regularly.

After celebrating her 109th birthday earlier in January, Gallan told the Daily Mail: "My secret to a long life has been staying away from men. They're just more trouble than they're worth.

"I also made sure that I got plenty of exercise, eat a nice warm bowl of porridge every morning and have never gotten married."

Well, that's that settled then. Sorry guys, but Gallan knows best.

[H/T Jezebel]
