Emma Willis Shocked By 'Celebrity Big Brother' Evicted Housemate Cami-Li's Comments About 'Slitting Perez Hilton's Throat' (PICS)

Cami-Li Stuns 'CBB' Viewers With Violent Comments

Celebrity Big Brother’ lost its fifth housemate on Monday night, with Emma Willis surprising the contestants by dropping in on them live to announce that Cami-Li would be leaving the house immediately.


The housemates were gathered on the sofas where their nominations were played back for them live on air, with Cami, Katie Price and Keith Chegwin receiving the most votes and therefore facing the chop alongside the already-nominated Perez Hilton.

Viewers were then given a short period to save their favourites, with Cami bagging the least votes from the British public and therefore leaving the house with Emma through the 'magic mirror' in the lounge.

Cami leaves via the 'magic mirror'

Of course, Cami’s many fights with Perez Hilton dominated the conversation in her exit interview, with the tattoo model branding him a “manipulator”.

Cami-Li finds out she's been evicted

However, she then shocked viewers and the studio audience when she joked that “for five hours a day” she would wonder to herself: “I was like, ‘Should I slit this motherf***er’s throat?’”, particularly in the beginning.

Emma was visibly in shock by Cami’s comments, telling her that it might have been a step too far, and lightly suggesting that her outbursts might have been the reason she wasn’t spared by the public.

Twitter users watching the show were also shocked by her extreme admission, despite the fact Perez hasn’t exactly been a hit with the viewing public.

Seven contestants now remain in the ‘CBB’ house, with two more due to leave in a double-elimination on Wednesday, before this year’s winner is crowned live on Friday night.


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