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WATCH: Samsung People Of Note. Adventurer Sophie Radcliffe

Watch: How To Train Like A Pro In The Alps
Presented by Samsung
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Sophie Radcliffe, adventurer and ironwoman, is gearing up to run the Annapurna circuit in Nepal so we’re joining her on a training run in Greenwich and Chamonix to see how she uses the Samsung Galaxy Note 4.

Sophie is not about to go easy on the Note 4. Her typical days are on the tough side of grueling. She has cycled from London to Paris, run from London to Brighton, climbed Mont Blanc, completed two ‘Ironman’s and completed the world's first Alpine Coast to Coast.

Watch as Sophie finds that the Note 4 helps her with training, using the forward-facing camera for beautiful alpine selfies, the S-Pen to make notes and draw her running route, the multi-window function and the scrapbook function to save her pictures.

Get your Note 4 here.
