Jon Stewart Labeled 'Most Disgusting Jew On The Planet' By Pamela Geller, US Activist Banned From Entering UK

Comedian Jon Stewart Called The 'Most Disgusting Jew On The Planet'

NEW YORK -- An American far-right activist, who was banned from Britain 2013 after a personal intervention from Home Secretary Theresa May, has accused comedian Jon Stewart of being “the most disgusting Jew on the planet.”

Writing for the conservative mouthpiece WorldNetDaily, Pamela Geller, who along with author Robert Spencer was barred from entering the UK two years ago to prevent the pair addressing and English Defence League rally in Woolwich, blamed "The Daily Show" host for the "absence of the good" in American culture.

Pamela Geller speaking at an AFDI rally in New York, August 2014

Of Stewart she wrote: "This vicious traitor, smug and self-righteous, has long been working for the other side under the guise of comedy,” adding: "Vile. Jon Stewart defines self-loathing Jew. But that’s not enough. He means to take us down with him."

Yet it is not just Stewart and Comedy Central that are responsible for the “cultural rout”. Hollywood takes a hit too:

American traitor Edward Snowden got an Oscar; American hero Chris Kyle got the middle finger. Even the traitorous far-left journalist Glenn Greenwald got an Oscars shout-out. Of course Hollywood would reward vicious traitors. There was no way the Hollywood establishment was going to give an Oscar to Clint Eastwood after he so delightfully skewered Obama’s empty chair. And their disdain for Americanism and the military is infused in everything they churn out.

Sharing their disdain for America is Jon Stewart, to whom they should have given the “Most Disgusting Jew on the Planet Award.” No contest. After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s groundbreaking speech to Congress last week, Stewart scoffed at the many standing ovations Netanyahu received as the “longest bl-wjob a Jewish man has ever received.

In response, "The Daily Show" ran the following segment:

In August last year, the HuffPostUK attended a rally in New York organised by the American Freedom Defence Initiative (AFDI), which has been listed by the Southern Poverty Law Centre as an anti-Muslim hate group. The rally was led by Geller and Spencer. Here’s that report.


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