Eddie 'The Beast' Hall Beats World Deadlift Record As Arnold Schwarzenegger Cheers Him On

This Man Just Deadlifted The Equivalent Of A Polar Bear - In Front Of Arnie

Strongman Eddie Hall, aka "The Beast", has beaten a world deadlift record - all with former record holder Arnold Schwarzenegger at his side.

The giant from Stoke-On-Trent heaved a massive 462kg at the Arnold Classic event in Australia on Friday.

The enormous set of weights clocked in at more than half a ton - the equivalent of a fully grown polar bear.

Arnie went in for a high five after Hall completed the gargantuan feat, but he was too pumped to notice.

The 27-year-old said: "I had Arnold Schwarzenegger cheering me and he gave me a high five to congratulate me after the event - even though I left him hanging at first, oops!"

The former Governor of California congratulated Hall on his Facebook page, with a video highlighting the awkward moment:

Arnold, a former Mr. Universe, once held the world deadlift record of 310kg, a substantial 150 kilos below Hall's feat.

The pair also shared a presumably protein-filled breakfast a week before the event.

Hall, who weighs in at 165kg, has won the title of UK's Strongest Man four years in a row and has competed for the World's Strongest Man, coming in sixth.


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