10 Facts About Food Safety You Need To Know For World Health Day 2015

10 Facts About Food Safety You Need To Know For #WorldHealthDay

The majority of people will experience a food or water borne disease at some point in their lives, regardless of where they live in the world.

That's why food safety is the theme of World Health Day 2015.

Using the slogan “From farm to plate, make food safe," the World Health Organisation (WHO) aim to inform and educate the public about the changing way we produce and consume food worldwide.

Statistics from WHO estimate that there were around 582 million cases of 22 different food borne enteric diseases and 351,000 associated deaths in 2010.

Over 40% of people suffering from enteric diseases caused by contaminated food were children aged under five years old.

“Food production has been industrialised and its trade and distribution have been globalized,” WHO Director-General Dr Margaret Chan said in a statement.

“These changes introduce multiple new opportunities for food to become contaminated with harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, or chemicals.”

To raise awareness of the issue and reduce the amount of illness caused by food and water, WHO has released 10 facts about food safety we all need to know.

Scroll through the slideshow below to view them:

