Zig And Zag Set To Make TV Comeback... But Not As We Remember The ‘Big Breakfast' Puppets

Look Who's Coming Back To TV Screens

Fresh from the news that Chris Evans is set to revive ‘TFI Friday’, his old ‘Big Breakfast’ buddies Zig and Zag are also returning to our screens, although not quite as we remember them.

Yep, almost two decades after the two puppets from outer space brightened up our weekday mornings on the Channel 4 breakfast show, the pair are getting their very own animated series.

Zig and Zag

Yes. Animated. Which makes us ever so slightly concerned for the welfare of those puppets.

Creators Ciarán Morrison and Mick O’Hara, who also provide the voices for the pair, have penned 26 new animated adventures, which will air on CBBC.

The new series will see Zig and Zag crash land in the suburbs and set themselves up in a ‘half spaceship/half house’ before getting up to all sorts of mischief.

The all-new Zig and Zag will be animated

According to the show’s blurb: "Zig & Zag will take young viewers along with them on their hilarious adventures as the crazy pair attempt to experience everything planet Earth has to offer.”

The alien brothers from planet Zog first popped up on Irish TV screens in the late 80s on the kids' TV show ‘Dempsey's Den’ before becoming huge stars thanks to their antics on ‘The Big Breakfast’ in the 1990s.

Little has been seen of the pair since, although they did put in an appearance on ‘Big Brother's Little Brother’ in 2010.

‘Zig And Zag’ will air on CBBC in early 2016


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