Britain First Are Liking Facebook Comments Encouraging 'Dynamiting' Mosques

Britain First Appear To Be Condoning Blowing Up Mosques

Britain First appear to be condoning people who call for the blowing up of mosques.

In the comments section on their Facebook page they have liked comments suggesting people should "dynamite" a new building planned for Lincoln.

The top comment on the post is this ominous entry...

Among the 196 people who have liked it is the Britain First page itself.

Further down the thread is a much more direct statement

Again, the Britain First page has liked the comment.

Britain First have made no secret of their dislike of the building of mosques in the UK - they have in the past threatened to bury pigs in ground designated for their construction.

But condoning their destruction is a huge step up.

The pseudo-political group/militia have gained a controversial reputation in recent months for their direct action in the form of protests and 'Christian' Patrols'.

Most recently they stormed the meeting of an anti-Ukip group who ambushed Nigel Farage in a pub.

The far-right group stormed the meeting place of Beyond Ukip and forcing them to barricade themselves in a room for fear of violence.

Britain First has tried to ally itself to Ukip, telling its members to vote for the eurosceptic party, much to Ukip's embarrassment.

The far right group claimed Ukip's victory in the Rochester by-election was actually a "victory" for themselves as it was "a triumph for right-wing politics".

Britain First could not be reached for comment.


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