Russell Brand Interviews Ed Miliband On 'Trews', Daily Mail Goes To Town

Daily Mail Commenters Respond To 'Milibrand' In Depressingly Predictable Manner

Ed Miliband's interview with Russell Brand has been roundly trounced in a scathing article in the Daily Mail in which the Labour leader is described as "desperate and pathetic".

"Do you really want this clown ruling us?," the first line reads, before slipping in Brand's past problems with drug addiction at the earliest possible point.

The article later described the comedian-turned-activist as "a recovering heroin addict who has also been treated for sex addiction", before going on to refer to the meeting as a "loonie leftie love-in".

As if that wasn't enough to convince their readers not to listen to any of Brand's left-wing rhetoric, they also included a bright blue fact box in the middle of article titled "Russell Brand: 20 Things About A Vile Man".

Normally the website's comments section is a haven for every fanatic far-right oddball with the most incredibly awful opinions and painful points to add, but juxtaposed with this particular article the ramblings about a reptilian Illuminati and Nigel Farage being a deity were a breath of fresh air:

There was a surprising lack of comments about Miliband's odd vocal change, seemingly adopting on a mock-cockney accent after an hour in a Shoreditch loft.

The Mail's readers did, however, jump at the chance to make several hundred "Dumb And Dumber" jokes, with an estimated 50% of comments on the piece being some variation of "one of them is a comedian, the other is a wannabe politician, but I can't tell which one is which". Great banter, everyone.



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