The Majority Of Successful Dieters Eat Chocolate, Crisps And Carbs, Study Suggests

Majority Of Successful Dieters Eat Chocolate And Crisps

If you're trying to lose weight, cutting out chocolate, crisps and some carbs may seem like the obvious first step.

But a new survey has found 86% of dieters who have successfully lost weight in order to improve their health have done so without cutting out any of these foods.

More than 85% said they ate chocolate at least once a week and still lost weight, with a third of people eating it most days.

The UK wide study was conducted by calorie counting app and website Nutracheck to coincide with International No Diet Day.

Emma Brown, Nutracheck’s nutritionist, said: “People who cut down - rather than cut out food groups - not only lose weight, but are more likely to keep it off long term.

"Almost every fad diet plan has a blacklist - those foods you must not let pass your lips if you want to drop the pounds. Yet anyone watching their weight can still eat their favourite foods."

The survey revealed 63% of people who have been on a diet think carbohydrates should be completely cut out when trying to lose weight.

But Brown says classing foods as exclusively "good" or "bad" is not the best way to reach a healthy weight.

"Weight loss is down to how much you eat, and how often you eat it," she added.

"Denying yourself foods you enjoy leads to psychologically negative emotions, which is why so many people associate weight loss with denial, hunger and feeling miserable.

“Taking a relaxed approach and including some treats makes losing weight successful and sustainable as it builds a long-term positive attitude towards food.”

Previously blogging on HuffPost UK Lifestyle, medical doctor and weight loss expert Dr Khandee Ahnaimugan also said you do not need to deprive yourself of the foods you enjoy completely in order to lose weight.

"Switching suddenly to a fruit, lettuce and boiled vegetables diet might make you feel like you are doing something proactive, but most people will not be able to last on it for very long," he said.

"You are better off planning for the long term, making small changes to what you eat each week. This way, instead of trying too much and failing, you can have small successes that you build on.

"You can learn from your mistakes and get better and better."
