Kelly Brook's US Sitcom 'One Big Happy' Cancelled After Just Six Episodes

Kelly Brook Suffers An Unhappy, And Abrupt, Ending

Kelly Brook's American dream just took a bump, with news that her sitcom is to be cancelled after six episodes.

US network NBC have confirmed that they're pulling the plug on the show 'One Big Happy', due to its poor ratings and the thumbs-down it has received from the critics.

This will be disappointing for our Kelly, who had pinned her hopes on her career taking off in the States, particularly with comedy heavyweight Ellen DeGeneres being behind the show, but it was not to be.

Kelly got married in the show, but even this didn't pull in any more viewers, and the show's fate was sealed

The show's most recent episode revealed Kelly's character marrying another woman, but even this only pulled in slightly under three million viewers (compared with the likes of 'Modern Family's regular 13-million audience).

The news is particularly galling, given the huge marketing campaign for the show, including Kelly and her co-stars Nick Zano and Elisha Cuthbert travelling around the States bringing it to the attention of all waiting media outlets.

But it was not to be. The good news is that Kelly personally was perceived to have gone down well with viewers, so it may be that she gets spotted and has her lucky break - again.


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