Forget The Dadbod - #Mumbods Baring Stretchmarks Are Taking Over The Internet And We Love It

#Mumbods Are Everywhere And We Love It

You've heard of the dadbod, right?

Dadbod is the term coined by Mackenzie Pearson, a student at Clemson University to describe the body of a dad that says: "yes I drink beer and eat pizza but I also go to the gym, sometimes."

But we think she missed a trick.

We want to know why aren't mumbods being celebrated? The ladies who gave given birth, and still look damn good when baring their skin.

And it seems we weren't the only ones who noticed...

Luckily, the #mumbod trend is finally rising and we're pretty happy about it. One Instagram user has set up her own 'mumbod' appreciation account.

Reese Witherspoon 🍎 #reesewitherspoon #hot #bikini #body #mumbod

A photo posted by MumBod (@mumbod) on

Sadly it only features celebs, but there are plenty of real-life mumbod pics being shared on Instagram, celebrating stretch marks, bellies and love handles...

My #mombod definitely not perfect but so proud of how far I've come #53lbsgone

A photo posted by Ali (@flipflopqueenbee) on

One mum writes: "Heck, this body grew a baby - so it's pretty rad. And by rad, I mean beautiful."

#mombod #gettingfit #piyo #dayone

A photo posted by Leah Kelley (@gardengirl505) on

Oh hey #mombod #21dayfix #workinprogress #beachbody

A photo posted by Totes Perfect Mommy (@totesperfectmommy) on

Other women straight up questioned why mumbods weren't being celebrated: "Well what about the bodies of millions of woman who just had a baby? Why is society so judgmental about our bodies after giving birth to our beautiful children?

"I had two beautiful baby girls and my body isn't the same like it was in high school. I don't workout like crazy to"get the perfect body."

This mum proudly wrote how grateful she was for her body: "I appreciate this body so much. It created three children, brought them into this world, fed them, underwent countless surgeries. So, I am embracing my #mombod. You should as well."

So rather than #mombod, we want to see more #mumbod photos and bring this trend to the UK. Are you up for it?
