MH370: Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane Is In The Bay Of Bengal Says Aerospace Volunteer Andre Milne

'MH370 Engaged In A Provocative Act With US Airbase And I Know Where It Is Now'

The founder of an aerospace firm has written to Interpol expressing his theory as to what happened to missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Andre Milne, of military technology developer Unicorn Aerospace, says his volunteer investigation in association with the Canadian global human rights organisation ASOVE, likely places the Boeing 777 in the Bay of Bengal.

In a letter posted on the ASOVE website, Milne alleges his findings will cause “irreversible damage” to the reputations of the Australian government and global satellite network Inmarsat, upon whose signals the official search area is focused.

Andre Milne is the founder of Unicorn Aerospace

Corroborating eyewitness accounts taken from Maldives Islanders who claim they saw a low flying jet on the day the aircraft disappeared, Milne suggests the flight was en route to deliberately engage with some sort of “provocative action” with the US military base on the island of Diego Garcia.

However, Milne stops short of suggesting the Americans responded to any perceived threat or that the flight which went missing on 8 March 2014 with all 239 souls on board, landed on the base.

Milne writes: “There is no doubt in my mind that MH370 did a soft ditch landing and then slowly sank while drift-gliding to an unknown site whereby using the most basic standards of probability is still likely fully intact precisely where Russian satellite technology identified a corroborative aerospace structure physically present at the depth of 1,000 metres in the Bay of Bengal, two days after MH370 vanished with all passengers and crew.”

The ASOVE website carries this image mapping the plane’s route with flight signature data and puts its final resting place in the ocean between Malaysia and India.

This image suggests the missing Boeing 777 is in the Bay of Bengal at point G

It describes the spot as the: “Site of scientific discovery of identical size proportion and primary material substances of aluminum, titanium, copper, engine alloys, hydrocarbons and steel alloys as that of MH 370 located in a depth of 1100 meters as first appearing on remote satellite imaging technology 52 hours after 14:30 March 8th.”

Milne’s letter continues: “Please also note that beyond the measurable possibility that MH370 appears to have been used in part by person(s) unknown as a provocative action upon the United States at Diego Garcia, the hard facts that have caused the disappearance of MH370 are an unknown variable.

“The basis of the concern that MH370 was used as a provocative action towards the USA is that whom ever was in control of the flight wanted MH370 to be observed flying south towards Base Diego Garcia by the inhabitants of the Maldive Atolls during daylight hours as reported by witnesses.

“In order to achieve this whomever was in control simply had to slow the airspeed of MH370 down to an average controllable speed of 250km to get to the Maldives to cover the multiple night time zone distance slow enough to pass by the Maldives when the sun was up with ample fuel to back track and make a soft ditch landing at area F as marked on the Flight Signature Data on the ASOVE website.” [Image above]

Milne outlines his distance and fuel calculations but adds: “Any suggestion that MH370 ever landed at Base Diego Garcia is utterly delusional when considering the Russians would not have hesitated one second to settle the score from the Cuban Missile Crisis by showing the world the evidence that would have been generated by the three Russian spy satellites directly over Diego Garcia in geostationary position.

“Whomever planned the disappearance of MH370 under-calculated the drift/ glide/ sink ratio from the site of the soft ditch at F because had MH370 not made it to the 1,000 meter depth at site G the Russian satellite technology would have never detected MH370 at the 3,000 meter depth just south of the G site.”

Meanwhile the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) has disputed Milne's claims as to the location of the jet.

An ATSB spokesman told theories suggesting the aircraft was located to the north or significantly west of Sumatra “were not supported by known facts or careful analysis.”

Milne’s theory the aircraft was engaging in a hostile manner with the base on Diego Garcia is backed by former Proteus Airlines boss Marc Dugain, who has suggested the plane was shot down by the United States after being remotely hacked – and he cites some of the islanders’ accounts in his findings.

Marc Dugain believes the plane was shot down by the USA

Dugain claims that fearing a 9/11-style terror attack, the USA took action from the British-controlled Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia after learning hackers had taken control of the Boeing 777.

He reports speaking to residents of the Maldives who saw "red and blue stripes with a white background" on a plane heading towards Diego Garcia on the day of MH370's disappearance.

In an interview with Paris Match magazine, Dugain also claimed to have seen pictures of an empty Boeing fire extinguisher washed up on a beach on the nearby Baarah island.

The former airline boss suggests that Boeing planes are particularly vulnerable to hijacking, and could have been set on fire remotely.

The Maldives are an island nation in the Indian Ocean–Arabian Sea area, consisting of a double chain of twenty-six atolls

"In 2006, Boeing patented a remote control system using a computer placed inside or outside the aircraft," Dugain told Paris Match.

He told France Inter: "It’s [Diego Garcia] an extremely powerful military base. It’s surprising that the Americans have lost all trace of this aircraft."

The couple were travelling from Cochin, India to Phuket on board a 40-foot sloop when Tee saw: “… the outline of a plane. It looked longer than planes usually do. There was what appeared to be black smoke streaming from behind it.”

The MH370 search area

In June 2014, Dr Alec Duncan of Perth Curtin University Centre for Marine Science and Technology revealed a signal had been detected by sound recorders usually used to monitor whales near Rottnest Island, off the coast of Western Australia.

It was picked up just after 1.30am on the day the aircraft vanished.

Though he cautioned the noise could also have been caused by a natural event, such as an earth tremor, he explained data retrieved from one of the IMOS acoustic recorders “showed a clear acoustic signal at a time that was reasonably consistent with other information relating to the disappearance of MH370.

“The crash of a large aircraft in the ocean would be a high energy event and expected to generate intense underwater sounds.”

While the signal was recorded off the coast of western Australia, the original location of the noise is believed to be around 3,000 miles north-west of the country – placing the point of origin just off the southern tip of India.

Speaking to the New York Times, Dr Duncan added: “It’s not even really a thump sort of sound – it’s more of a dull oomph.”


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