Ukip MP Douglas Carswell Periscopes Run Up To Queen's Speech 2015

Douglas Carswell Doesn't Care What You Say, He's Going To Periscope The Queen Anyway
Douglas Carswell appears on camera as he Periscopes the run-up to the Queen's Speech
Douglas Carswell appears on camera as he Periscopes the run-up to the Queen's Speech

Douglas Carswell has insisted on live-streaming as much of the proceedings surrounding the Queen's Speech as he possibly can - and he doesn't care what anyone else says.

He also either doesn't seem to care or in fact realise that he's been doing most of his Periscoping sideways.

Ukip's only MP exchanged words with BBC Home Affairs correspondent Daniel Sandford on the issue...

He was also reportedly told off by a Parliamentary official for filming in the lobby.

Some of Carswell's fellow MPs didn't seem particularly impressed by his Periscoping.

Tory MP Richard Benyon told him to stop filming him, adding that Carswell should come back to the party.

There were also a few titters over his commentary...

Maybe we'll see him replacing the BBC?

Alas, he didn't try whipping out his phone in the Chamber itself, so viewers did not get to see the actual speech sideways...


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