'Coronation Street' Cast 'Worried Ghosts On Set' May Be Causing Bad Luck

'Corrie' Cast 'Worried About On-Set Ghosts'

Coronation Street’ crew members are reportedly worried the soap’s new set might be haunted, following a string of mishaps.


After over 30 years taping at Manchester’s Granada Studios, ‘Corrie’ packed up and moved to MediaCity UK in 2013, where it has been filming ever since.

However, according to reports, certain members of the soap’s cast and crew are concerned they might not be alone on the new set, after a string of strange happenings have prompted rumours of paranormal activity.

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“Every time something goes wrong the cry goes up, ‘We are cursed.’ At first it was seen as a joke but believe it or not, some have convinced themselves it is true.

“It has even been suggested, albeit lightheartedly, that an exorcist should be invited on to the set.”

The cast of 'Corrie' are worried about some unusual activity on-set

Over the course of the past few months, ‘Corrie’ has had a string of bad luck, which included an outbreak of illness on the set, affecting several members of the principal cast, and a negative reaction from viewers to the week-long dramatic episodes, airing at 9pm every night last week.

Bizarrely, this isn’t the first time the words ‘Coronation Street’ and ‘ghost’ have shared a headline in recent times, after it was reported last week that Deirdre Barlow’s character would be making a comeback of sorts from the other side, in an episode that will air later this year.


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