Former Labour donor Mick Hucknall blasted Ed Miliband today for “veering close to Marxism” while leading the party.
The Simply Red singer, part of the ‘Cool Britannia’ group of celebrities who endorsed Tony Blair in the mid-nineties, claimed “justice was seen to be done” with Labour’s recent election defeat.
Mr Hucknall praised the public for acting “with collective wisdom” on May 7, giving Labour its lowest number of seats since 1987.
Speaking to BBC Radio 5 this afternoon, Mr Hucknall said that the current Conservative government was "the inheritor of the Blairite mantel.”
He also claimed Mr Miliband was "clearly not the right man [to lead Labour]... it was blatantly obvious".
"The more I looked at the policies... the more I thought this is not going to work," he added.
The singer is not the only member of the Cool Britannia set to have criticised Mr Miliband.
Oasis star Noel Gallagher blasted the then-Labour leader as "a f**king communist” just days before the election