#JustATampon Finds Out How Much Men Know About Periods, Then Breaks Taboos Around Menstruation

#JustATampon Reveals How Much Men Really Know About Periods

From hiding tampons up our sleeves when we go to the bathroom, to panicking if we see a guy we know while buying sanitary towels in Tesco, all too often women feel embarrassed about periods.

The result of all this sneaking around is that we rarely talk about menstruation and how products such as tampons affect our health.

That's why the team from V.Point have created the #JustATampon campaign in time for International Tampon Alert Day.

The campaign, created in partnership with Plan UK, aims to end the stigma around periods and help women both in the UK and abroad.

And what better way could there be to break taboos around "ladies things" than to find out how much men know about periods?

In the above video, a group of guys are quizzed on everything from "how do you use an applicator tampon?" to "what is a moon cup?".

Their rather hilarious answers prove one very serious point: We still have a long way to go when it comes to educating the world about periods.

#JustATampon is a campaign to break the stigma and taboo around women’s periods in partnership with Plan UK. You can support women by donating £3 by texting TAMPON to 70007 or donating online here.
