David Lammy, Prospective Labour Candidate For London Mayor, Stands Against Golders Green Nazi March

'If Nazis Want To March In Golders Green They Will Have To Get Past Me First'

The prospective Labour candidate for London mayor said that Nazis would have to "get past" him before they march in Golders Green, home to a large Jewish community.

David Lammy's comments come after a proposed anti-Semitic march through the North London suburb, organised by a group of alleged Nazi sympathisers, was announced.

The march is planned on July 4.

In a leaflet distributed by campaigners against the demonstration, opponents write: "A tiny group of Nazi supporters have decided to target the Jewish community of Golders Green."

David Lammy said Nazis would have to 'get past' him before they march in Golders Green

The leaflet continues: "Their aim is to spread fear and division, to fracture the peace and good neighbourliness that exists between our communities and to insult the memory of those who died at the hands of their murderous forebears."

Mr Lammy, Labour Party MP for Tottenham, wrote in Jewish News that he will be standing against the "Nazis" if they march on Golders Green.

The 44-year-old said: "I don’t like just talking about problems, I like acting on them. So while other politicians like to write articles raising concerns about important issues like anti-Semitism, security at our Jewish schools or housing in London, I’m more focused on actually dealing with those issues.

"Let me tell you what I mean. I read at the weekend that neo-Nazis are talking about the 'Jewification of Golders Green' and attacking Jewish neighbourhood watch scheme Shomrim.

"I see some politicians are writing letters to the Home Secretary – very laudable indeed. But it takes a lot more than that. My first phone call on Monday morning was to Shomrim. I asked if I could go out on patrol with them, and that is exactly what I am doing (I will let you know how I get on). What’s more, I will be with the Jewish community in Golders Green on 4 July.

"If Nazis want to march in Golders Green they will have to get past me first."

He adds that Jew hatred is not only a problem for the Jewish community, but for everyone.

He also goes on to quote Edmund Burke. He writes: “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

Referring to his own experience, he writes: "I grew up next to the Broadwater Farm estate in Tottenham, studied at the University of London and practised as a barrister here.

"I would not have been able to do any of that without the opportunity given to me as a result of the kindness and generosity that led four men from London’s Jewish community to put their faith in a young black boy from Tottenham and pay for me to study at Harvard when I was unable to afford the fees.

"These acts are part of the strong sense of community and generosity that defines London at its best. For me, that generosity was the first stage of a long relationship with London’s Jewish community."

On Monday, Baroness Susan Williams, a junior communities minister, tweeted the #GoldersGreenTogether hashtag to show her solidarity with the local community.

Baroness Williams was joined by many other Twitter users who oppose the march.


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