Zookeepers Are Hilariously Recreating Chris Pratt's Raptor Training Scene From 'Jurassic World'

#JurassicZookeeper Is Our New Favorite Meme

Zookeepers around the world are taking a (prehistoric) leaf out of Chris Pratt’s book, mimicking his “Jurassic World” character’s dinosaur-taming moves.

There’s a scene in the film in which Pratt is shown training a group of velociraptors. A still of that scene has since been transformed into a hilarious meme.

On Wednesday, Tumblr user Feminerds shared a photograph of a zookeeper copying Pratt’s pose with a group of walruses.

walrus prattkeeping

The photograph went viral, and social media was soon abuzz with images of zookeepers everywhere lampooning the “Jurassic World” scene.

Keepers have been photographed with all sorts of animals -- from tortoises and quokkas, to otters and emus. The photos are being shared with hashtags like #JurassicZoo, #ZoorassicWorld, and #PrattKeeping.

Be it penguins or velociraptors, zookeeping is hard work. #JurassicWorld #Prattkeeping #RaptorSquad #CleverGirls pic.twitter.com/dB0XJdgIlv

— Woodland Park Zoo (@woodlandparkzoo) June 17, 2015

There’s nothing harder than getting 3 Quokkas to cooperate! #JurassicZoo #ZoorassicWorld http://t.co/9sZfuMIBRu pic.twitter.com/RgqKlWTVT0

— Taronga Zoo (@tarongazoo) June 18, 2015

Who needs #RaptorSquad when you have Veloci-otters? #OtterSquad #JurassicZoo pic.twitter.com/M0zr7BvI9I

— Georgia Aquarium (@GeorgiaAquarium) June 17, 2015

We are recreating Chris Pratt's raptor control from #JurassicWorld - with our Southern White Rhinos! pic.twitter.com/ntnm1UsibJ

— Lion Country Safari (@LionCountry) June 17, 2015

Zookeepers are recreating this scene from 'Jurassic World' and it's a delighthttp://t.co/tsWDxROSNn #JurassicZoo pic.twitter.com/PUCsEFUWtG

— WIRED (@WIRED) June 17, 2015

. @woodlandparkzoo @michelledeidre Love your penguins! Here are our pig and pigeon #JurassicZoo keepers. pic.twitter.com/5NW4vxD3cd

— Auckland Zoo (@aucklandzoo) June 18, 2015

#JurassicZoo@calacademy: Clever girls. The #JurassicWorld @prattprattpratt-challenge finally gets fierce.” pic.twitter.com/glT6LJhDxm

— CA AcademyOfSciences (@calacademy) June 17, 2015

Woah there pigs. #jurassiczookeeper pic.twitter.com/KiSUuNMXpK

— Catherine Wellman (@Wellmanator) June 18, 2015

@prattprattpratt Come on, any good keeper can do that :) pic.twitter.com/XbcHMN0gQx

— Jess Grill (@keepertalk) June 18, 2015

It seems even Pratt approves of the meme. He tweeted Wednesday that he found the photos “absolutely awesome.”

This is absolutely awesome! 😀😀😀#ZoorassicWorld http://t.co/IZAMgGpt6G

— chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) June 18, 2015

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