‘Big Brother’ housemates Helen Wood and Marc O’Neill have both been issued with formal warnings over their treatment of Brian Belo.
During a furious row with Brian on Tuesday night, the pair repeatedly branded him a “psycho”, with Helen also telling him he “looked like a rapist”, and compared him to a murderer.
Their row eventually caused Brian to quit the series just over a week after entering as part of the ‘Time Warp’ twist, and landed both Marc and Helen in hot water with Big Brother.

Helen Wood is reprimanded by Big Brother
In Wednesday night’s show, they were both called to the Diary Room and reprimanded for their behaviour, with each of them receiving a formal warning from producers.
Helen apologised for her remarks because she “didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable”, adding: “I like all of them… well apart from Nikki Grahame.”

Marc O'Neill is unimpressed
On the other hand, Marc was initially unapologetic, asking Big Brother: “What did I do?”
However, after Big Brother insisted they were taking the matter “seriously”, he vowed to “try not to” continue with his unacceptable behaviour.
Of course, receiving formal warnings is nothing new for Helen, during last year's series she was reprimanded for her behaviour more times than we could possibly begin to count.
Following Brian’s departure from the house, another ‘BB’ legend has made a comeback, with Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace causing a stir when she made her arrival on Wednesday.
You can see the aftermath of Marc and Helen’s formal warnings in Thursday’s ‘Big Brother’, airing at 10pm on Channel 5.