Deirdre Barlow's 'Coronation Street' Death: Emotional Scene Revealed Early Online

'Corrie' Bosses Reveal Emotional Deirdre Scene Early

‘Coronation Street’ fans are currently gearing up for one of the soap’s most emotional weeks ever, as the Barlow family learn that Deirdre has died.

The storyline has been meticulously planned, with the help of Anne Kirkbride’s family, who have made sure the late actress’s on-screen alter-ego is given a suitable send-off.

Bev tells Ken that Deirdre has died

However, while ‘EastEnders’ and ‘Emmerdale’ bosses have been keeping many of their storylines a secret, and not sharing spoilers in recent months, ‘Corrie’ bigwigs have decided to share the moment Ken and Tracy learn of Deirdre’s death, ahead of the show’s 7.30pm slot.

The 40-second clip - which can be seen here, on the soap’s official website - shows Bev Unwin arriving and delivering the sad news.

Meanwhile, over in Walford, huge plot twists have been kept under wraps until the scenes air.

The funeral will follow next week

Last year, fans had no idea that Shirley Carter was actually Mick’s mum, until the character drunkenly revealed the truth, and more recently, Kathy Beale’s live week return was a total shock for ‘EastEnders’ devotees.

'Emmerdale' has also made an effort to deliver more unexpected scenes, such as Rachel's shock return.

News of Deirdre’s death is set to rock Weatherfield, and a number of spoilers have hinted at how the Barlow family will attempt to cope.

The return of Tracy’s ex Robert Preston is set to cause a stir after the emotional funeral, which Peter Barlow will be back on the Street for.

Watch the scene in full during tonight’s (Wednesday 8 July) ‘Corrie’, at 7.30pm.


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