Bee Having A Wee Photo Taken By Grimsby Photographer Mark Parrott

Photographer Takes Incredible Once-In-A-Lifetime Picture Of A Bee Having A Wee

An amateur photographer has captured an amazingly rare sight in his own back garden - a bee urinating.

Mark Parrott, 45, was lucky enough to snap a photograph at the precise moment the bee ejected a tiny stream of uric acid, the insect equivalent of urine.

"I was shocked with excitement when I saw the shot and couldn't believe what I was seeing," Parrott told the Grimsby Telegraph.

"There was a steady stream of wee coming from the cheeky little bee. I think this is probably a very rare shot indeed! It's difficult to get good close up shots without a tripod and this one was taken handheld."

Understandably there's a lot of buzz on the internet surrounding this astounding image.


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