Microsoft Windows 10 Review Features Positive Response For Cortana, Microsoft Edge And Xbox App

The Verdict For Windows 10 Is In

As Microsoft launches its latest offering, Windows 10, via a free upgrade around the UK today the internet's frenzied uptake is palpable.

For those who had the misfortune of having to use Windows 8, the organisation's move into double digits took too long.

So what do we make of Windows 10 and its new features?

Here's the verdict

  • Cortana

Microsoft's digital assistant is perhaps the software's best feature because this is the first time we will have a desktop-based personal assistant that talks back to us.

Apple is yet to bring Siri to OS X, so Cortana has every opportunity to give Windows 10 that extra edge over its competitors.

While it will take some learning, The Guardian reports that it can remember previous questions, TV shows and talk back to you if you ask it a question, instead of typing it.

  • Automatic updates

According to Forbes, users said that the update is automatically installing new drivers on their system.

The only way to solve this problem is to either hack the software or uninstall third party drivers.

  • Microsoft Edge

Dubbed as the browser that will kill Internet Explorer, Edge has been given a thumbs up by reviewers.

The browser's most note-worthy feature is one that will allow us to annotate internet pages as we go along. The only disadvantage is that once you've added your notes, you won't be able to change anything -- much the same as what happens once you've flattened an image in Photoshop.

Some users have even said that it could beat Chrome, but it is still too early to tell if this will become a view held by the majority.

  • Xbox app

This feature will a precious one to most gamers as it integrates Xbox friends list, messages and activity feeds with PCs.

What this effectively means is that you can keep in touch with Xbox friends without actually having to use the console.

The app will also allow you to stream games from the Xbox One to your PC -- handy if you are running short of screens.

This has of course, made quite a few people happy.

  • Continuum

Continuum was undoubtedly designed to optimise the Windows 10 experience across both tablet and desktop as it gives users the option to seamlessly switch between both modes.

In tablet mode, the OS is touch-friendly and displays open apps in full-screen.

The final verdict

So far, the majority of users seem to be happy customers with some Windows 7 fans simply watching and waiting for others to weather the software's teething problems.

What now?

Ahead of the launch event in London tonight, Terry Myerson, executive vice president, Windows and Devices Group, at Microsoft said:

"A new era of Windows starts today. From the beginning, Windows 10 has been unique — built with feedback from over 5 million fans, delivered as a service and offered as a free upgrade”

“Windows 10 delivers on our more personal computing vision, with a natural, mobile and trusted experience. Along with our partners, we’re excited to deliver the best Windows ever, which will empower people and organisations around the world to do great things.”

For now, users seem to quite happy with Window's new era.


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