Women Post Selfies With Cake In Response To Body-Shaming Troll Who Said Blogger Should 'Eat Less'

Women Respond To 'Fat-Shaming' Troll With Brilliant Cake Pics

Women are taking photos of themselves with cakes on social media in order to give a body-shaming troll a piece of their mind.

The hashtag accompanying the images, #CakewithCashmerette, was created after one sewing blogger was told she should "eat less cake" by a complete stranger.

Jenny Rushmore, who blogs under the name Cashmerette, shared a sketch of a swimsuit she intended to make with her fans on Instagram.

In a now deleted comment, a man said "something along the lines of ‘ugh, you don’t have a beach body. You should eat less cake’," Rushmore told The Guardian.

A photo posted by Cashmerette (@cashmerette) on

In response to the unsolicited comment, Rushmore posted the below picture along with the caption: "To the random jerk who fat shamed me this morning in a comment and suggest I eat less cake.

"As you can see from this pic my life is just a sad mess, so I'm glad you've helped steer my dietary choices, cheers! #effyourbeautystandards #CakeWithCashmerette."

A photo posted by Cashmerette (@cashmerette) on

That was a month ago, but ever since, women have been posting images of themselves along with the hashtag in order to take down the bigot, as well as any other person who thinks body shaming is okay.

A photo posted by Mary Danielson (@idlefancy) on

A photo posted by @joylydesigns on

A photo posted by Cashmerette (@cashmerette) on

To date, #CakewithCashmerette has more than 300 posts on Instagram.

"What could have been a nasty little dip in my day turned out to be a day full of laughs, joy and cake. Lots and lots of cake (and ice cream, and cookies, and brittle – you guys are inventive!).

"And thank you troll for giving us such a delicious day! Maybe next time instead of taking a gym selfie you could enjoy some lovely cake. I suspect you’d be a bit happier, and a bit less hateful."
