BBC News Presenter Carole Walker Caught Brushing Her Hair Live On Air

BBC Cuts Are So Severe, The News Presenters Have To Style Their Own Hair

Oops! But BBC News presenter Carole Walker proves she's a pro.

Posted by Newsbeat on Tuesday, August 4, 2015

BBC News veteran Carole Walker was caught brushing her hair live on air Tuesday morning, and only just managed to get her brush back into her handbag before the bulletin music started.

A rather startled looking Walker ended up announcing the day's headlines while her handbag was still on the desk.

She pulled the entire thing off like an absolute pro, simply leaving us wondering why a top BBC journalist needs to style her own hair. Perhaps this is the true face of the BBC cuts?

It's not even the first time a presenter has felt the sting of the cuts live on air. Late last week BBC Sport's Chris Mitchell was forced to use an imaginary iPad, and the channel once didn't even have a presenter to put on TV.


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