Mariana Godoy Photographs Body Confident Plus-Size Women In Lingerie For Empowering Project

Body Confident, Plus-Size Women Pose Topless For Empowering Photos

Brazil-based photographer, Mariana Godoy, has teamed up with a group of plus-size women to start an incredible project that aims to 'reclaim the word fat'.

As part of Empoderarte Me, which translates to 'Empowering Me', Godoy has taken a stunning photographs of plus-size women in lingerie.

The photographer, 46, told the Daily Mail: "I chose lingerie because photographs of fat woman in lingerie are rare, so this was a form of protest and self-acceptance."

"I think if a fat woman sees the images, she will feel the power of the girls who were photographed. The power of self-love, to love each definition of love. To be unique and wonderful.

"The models who appear topless chose to pose that way themselves, they want to choose the way they feel loved."

In some of the photos, the models appear with slogans like 'my body my rules' and 'fat and healthy' painted on their bodies.

Godoy hopes that the project will help to remove the stigma attached to being a bigger woman, and hopes to bring a positive new meaning to the word 'fat'.
