Noel Edmonds Says BBC's Treatment Of Jeremy Clarkson During ‘Top Gear' Saga Was ‘Another Example Of Extraordinarily Bad Management'

Noel Edmonds Lays Into Former Employer The BBC Over 'Top Gear' Saga

Noel Edmonds has spoken out against the BBC over how Jeremy Clarkson was treated following his infamous ‘fracas’ with a ‘Top Gear’ producer.

The ‘Deal Or No Deal’ host accused his former employer of ‘extraordinarily bad management’ after the presenter was sacked from the Beeb.

Noel Edmonds

“It was just yet another example of extraordinarily bad management that wouldn’t be tolerated in a private company,” Noel says.

“It is difficult to think of a better way of handling something more badly.

“You’ve got the big wigs saying no one is bigger than the BBC and they pull the show, denying the viewers the chance to see whatever they’d shot.”

Chris Evans

“It’s interesting,” Noel admitted. “I was a guest on Chris’s boat at the Monaco Grand Prix and we had a chat. Chris said he wouldn’t touch Top Gear with a barge pole.

“He said how tired he was, and he did look tired. And so I was stunned when within weeks he not only had shown interest but accepted the job.

“I just hope he’s not taking on too much. He’s a brilliant talent.

“He’s also a mercurial talent in a Kenny Everett and Clarkson mould.

“He will need to be managed and supported otherwise he could just burn out and make some shocking mistake.

“I hope it works out for him. I’m a big fan of his.”

Last year, Noel accused the BBC of 'sleepwalking to destruction', and said he hoped to buy the corporation along with a consortium of wealthy investors.

He claimed only an injection of outside influence could make the broadcaster "relevant to the internet age" and admitted that he did not presently pay for it via the licence fee.


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