A dubious tale of a groom suing his bride a day after their wedding for looking unattractive without makeup is doing the rounds.
The extraordinarily vague story was apparently seeded by Emirates 24/7 and has since been picked up by numerous other media outlets.
The tale states the Algerian groom is seeking $20,000 in damages for “psychological suffering” after informing a court he was so shocked when he woke up the next day that he did not recognise his new spouse.
The story claims the bride looked so different without makeup, her new husband simply did not recognise her
Citing nameless Algerian newspapers, the channel adds he even mistook his new wife for “a thief who came to steal his apartment.”
Notable for its lack of detail, the story has the hallmarks of a media hoax with myth-busting website Snopes remarking on its similarity to a story about a man who allegedly sued his surgically-altered wife for bearing him “horrifically ugly” children.
Is this the family in question? Probably not
After being accused of having had an affair, the wife in question is said to have come clean and admitted to having spent £60,000 on cosmetic surgery before their marriage.
The tale, which has been circulating since 2004, was in recent years accompanied by a doctored looking picture allegedly featuring the handsome couple and their less than photogenic spawn.
But one outlet has since traced the image back to a rather cruel advert for a plastic surgery clinic in Taiwan.