Woman Posts 'Groom Wanted' Ad In Newsagent Window To Bag Her Friend A Husband

Woman Posts 'Groom Wanted' Ad In Newsagent Window On Friend's Behalf

Nowadays, it's pretty easy to land a date. All you need to do is download a dating app, get swiping and get chatting. Obviously this doesn't mean your date will be of any particular quality, but a date's a date.

But when it comes to bagging yourself a potential husband, apps such as Tinder aren't always as effective.

Realising this, one woman - who is either the best or worst friend in the world (we're still undecided) - took her pal's bachelorette status into her own hands and posted a 'Groom Wanted' sign in the window of a local newsagent.

The note, which was spotted by BBC News producer Sarah Bloch in the window of Global News, Stratford reads: "I am looking for an engineer groom for my friend.

"She is 32 years old, muslim, 5' 3", fair, from Bangladesh but settled in UK. She is quite smart and working at the moment.

"She got divorced last year but no kids. Now we are looking for an engineer groom from good family and education background. Age between 32-38 years old.

"If you or any of your f&f [family and friends] are interested, please email CV with recent pictures. Thanks."

The journalist who spotted the advertisement, Sarah Bloch, told the Mail Online that she thought it was quite "bold" to try and "marry off your friend in a shop window".

But, she added, "it isn't actually all that different from online dating".

For those who think this idea is pretty damn bonkers, we can assure you - it's really not. Earlier this year, a man offered to pay out £6,500 to the person who could help him bag a longterm girlfriend.

Now that's bonkers.
