Fox News Attacks Jeremy Corbyn As A 'Bearded Vegetarian Socialist' Who Hates America

Fox News Decries 'Bearded Vegetarian Socialist' Who Hates America

NEW YORK -- Fox News isn’t the type of outlet to focus on foreign news… unless it’s news of foreigners jumping the border to pollute the white, Christian voter pool. When Rupert Murdoch’s media beast did recently take a look at the UK, it ended in a brace of corrections over idle chatter about Muslim “no-go zones” in Europe.

Yet on Tuesday the outlet penned an analysis of the current political upheaval in Blighty, sniffing at Labour leadership frontrunner Jeremy Corbyn as a “bearded vegetarian socialist,” whose election would have “serious repercussions for the ‘special relationship’.” The piece notes that Corbyn once compared US troops to ISIS, has described Hamas and Hezbollah as “friends” and warns that “alarm bells are ringing on both sides of the Atlantic.”

Jeremy Corbyn addressing a meeting during his election campaign for the Labour leadership in Ealing, west London, Monday, Aug. 17, 2015

They even corralled former Labour advisor Dan Hodges to tweak Cold War fears by claiming Corbyn is someone who ideologically “leans more toward Moscow than Washington" and is happy to cozy up to Vladimir Putin.

In the article, Luke Coffey, a former Thatcher acolyte, said a Corbyn leadership would be “so overtly anti-American that whoever steps into the White House, Republican or Democrat, would have to support the Conservative Party.” Coffey currently works for the once respected far-right think tank The Heritage Foundation, which in recent years has been reduced to cheerleading for the defunding of Obamacare and government shutdowns.

So, should Corbyn become prime minister it seems Britain will quickly morph into a vegetarian satellite of Putin’s Russia, with close ties to Hamas and daily burnings of Old Glory on the Parliamentary lawn. If only for perspective there was an American parallel in which a populist, anti-establishment candidate with little chance of high office had gained political traction in recent months


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