Lucy Lou The Border Collie Announces Plans For Presidential Bid

Two Term Mayor Of Rabbit Hash, KY, Joins US Presidential Race (Also Happens To Be A Dog)

Just two months after house-cat Limberbutt McCubbins announced his candidacy for president of the United States, a second animal has announced intention to run - a dog called Lucy Lou.

It may seem silly, but the Border Collie is actually a lot more experienced for political leadership than some other candidates. She has even spent more time in office than GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.

The adorable dog has been the mayor of a small town in Kentucky since 2008. The 315 people who live in Rabbit Hash have had a canine mayor for seven years.

Lou won re-election in 2012

Lou's owner and chief of staff, Bobbi Kayser, told The Kentucky Enquirer she will announce her presidential run and her retirement as mayor on Saturday.

According to the Rabbit Hash Historical Society, their current mayor fought off nine other dogs, one cat, one opossum, one jackass and one human to gain the town's highest office.

It is as yet unknown which party Lucy Lou will align herself to, although she faces tough competition from local Democrat candidate Limberbutt McCubbins.

And it's not the first time an animal has run for the job. In 1968 a pig called Pigasus the Immortal tried to get into office, and a dog called Molly was beaten by Barack Obama in 2008.

It is, however, the first time a meme has run for president. We think. A candidate called 'Deez Nuts' has also thrown his hat in the ring, as well as Captain Jean Luc Picard from Star Trek and Doge.


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