Photographer Makes Statement Against Caesareans In Brazil By Capturing Girlfriend's Home Birth

Photographer Takes A Stand Against Caesareans By Capturing Girlfriend's Home Birth

A photographer captured his girlfriend's "intense" 20-hour labour and birth of their daughter in their own home.

Gustavo Gomes, from Brazil, was used to photographing life with his girlfriend Priscila. When she announced she was pregnant he knew exactly how he wanted to mark the birth.

Gomes said his girlfriend went into labour on a Sunday night and continued into the following day. She gave birth two months ago.

He told HuffPost UK Parents: "Besides being our personal story, we hope these photos can raise awareness about natural and home childbirth in Brazil."

Gomes added: "Our country has the highest caesarean rates in the world - around 50% of births in the public health system and shockingly 87% in the private system.

"Most of them are with no medical reasons, just because c-sections can be scheduled and are quicker for the doctors to operate.

"Priscila and me never felt helpless during the whole process with a doula (also known as a birth companion), an obstetrician and a paediatrician, and we hope that these photos can demystify natural and home childbirths and encourage future mothers to avoid unnecessary c-sections."

Speaking to Future Shoot, Gomes said Priscila's contractions began arriving in the middle of the night and the pair had to wait until the morning before driving to a doctor to confirm she was dilated.

Once it was confirmed, they headed home to wait for their doula to arrive.

The new father said when his daughter Violeta was born he just cried.

He said he will continue taking her picture throughout her childhood and "for as long as she wants him to after that".
