An overwhelming majority of people believe under-25s should be paid the same rate of living wage as older workers and should not have their housing benefit cut, according to a Survation poll for The Huffington Post UK.
The survey, conducted on the eve of the Labour Party conference in Brighton, also found that most people do not think under-16s should be given a vote in the upcoming EU referendum.
And the poll suggests there is a narrow lead for the 'In' campaign. Of those asked, 52% wanted to remain in the EU and 48% wanted to leave.
But the survey also found that, by a narrow majority of 51% to 49%, Conservative voters would vote for Brexit.
In his Budget, George Osborne announced that the new 'national living wage' for over-25s will rise from £6.50 an hour to £7.20 in April next year, before rising to at least £9 by 2020.
However 66% of voters believe the new higher rate should also be given to workers under-25, compared to 24% who do not.
Such a change is supported across the political spectrum. Tories back it 55% to 35%, Labour voters support it 74% to 19% and Ukip voters agree 69% to 20%.
In his Budget, the chancellor also announced that automatic entitlement to housing benefit will be scrapped for 18-21-year-olds. But according to the poll, 53% of people do not think under-25s should have their housing benefit abolished, with just 30% agreeing they should.
Tory voters are also split on the issue, with 40% supporting Osborne's policy and 41% opposing it. Labour voters think under-25s should be able to keep housing benefit by a margin of 63% to 21%.
Under pressure from his shadow cabinet, Corbyn has committed Labour to unambiguously supporting Britain's membership of the European Union.
According to the poll, 52% of people would vote to remain should a referendum be held today and 48% would vote to leave.
Labour voters overwhelmingly support membership, 64% to 36%, while Conservatives are split, with 49% in favour of staying in the EU compared to 51% who want to leave.
Interestingly 11% of Ukip voters want to stay part of the EU, with 89% wanting to leave.
In June, Tory MPs defeated a bid to let 16 and 17-year-olds the vote in the referendum. The Survation survey found that 49% of voters supported this decision, while 40% thought young people should be allowed to have their say.
Among Labour voters, 47% thought 16 year olds should be given a vote and 43% thought they should not. Among Tory voters 64% do not think young people should be allowed to vote, while 26% thought they should.
The Huffington Post UK poll also asked voters which news sources people trusted the most for news about Labour and Jeremy Corbyn.
By a long way, TV was the most trusted source. With 58% of people having faith in broadcast news. 14% trusted digital news sites while 13% trusted newspapers. 7% of those asked thought Facebook and Twitter were the most trustworthy.
Younger people were more likely to have faith in digital sites than older people. Among 18-34 year-olds, 18.5% trusted online news the most, compared to 13.9% of those aged 35 - 54 and just 10.9% of 55+.
Facebook and Twitter was also more trusted by those aged 18-34 (16%) compared to 7.2% among 35 - 54 year-olds and just 0.8% of those 55+.