Frankie Boyle Describes #PigGate Allegations As 'Bizarre Ritual Of The Elite'

Frankie Boyle Delivers A Surprisingly Considered Verdict On #PigGate

Comedian Frankie Boyle has delivered a surprisingly considered verdict on the pig scandal endured by David Cameron.

The Prime Minister is alleged to have "put a private part of his anatomy" into a dead pig's mouth, sparking a media storm now dubbed #PigGate.

Citing a single, unsubstantiated source, biographers Isabel Oakeshott and Lord Michael Ashcroft suggest Cameron committed the act during an initiation ceremony at a Piers Gaveston event at Oxford University, while the animal’s head rested in the lap of another member.

Comedian Frankie Boyle has blogged about the PigGate scandal

In a blog posted to his website, Boyle mused: “The interesting thing for me is that because the allegation is that he did it in a roomful of people wearing dinner jackets it’s sort of OK.

“If someone had walked in on him doing it alone in his constituency office he’d have had to resign… It’s certainly an upper class thing.

“No working class person has fantasised about sticking their cock in a dead pig’s mouth [since Raul Moat died.]

Prime Minister David Cameron is alleged to have 'put a private part of his anatomy' into a dead pig's mouth

The Prime Minister, who along with London Mayor Boris Johnson is also a former member of the Oxford-based exclusive drinking society the Bullingdon Club, has been roundly mocked over the allegations.

He has not directly addressed the matter, other than to remark he believes “everyone can see straight through it” and that he is “too busy running the country” to consider legal action.

Boyle, who has previously described Cameron as an “evil genius”, continued, wondering: “What is the real purpose of these kinds of bizarre rituals of the elite?”

They exist, Boyle reflects, in order to “filter out the only remaining threat to corruption: people who insist on playing by the rules.”

He adds: “My guess is that our elite simply likes to check that it’s members have a broadminded approach to personal morality.”

Speaking of the elite, here are five things we know about the Bullingdon Club:


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