Beards 2015: Men With Facial Hair Are More Likely To Cheat, Study Finds

Men With Beards More Likely To Cheat, Study Finds

Beards - love them or hate them, they've become a ubiquitous part of our modern day culture.

There's been World Beard Championships, beard art, and beard transplants... we've even lived through the so-called 'Death Of The Beard'.

So what could possibly be thrown at facial hair next? Well apparently, it's women's worst enemy.

According to research commissioned by new video social network, Eva, there is a direct link between longer facial hair and an increased likelihood to cheat, fight and steal.

Men with beards were over twice as likely to be unfaithful - with 47% admitting to cheating, compared to 20% of clean-shaven men.

In the nationwide survey, conducted by Censuswide, 45% of men with beards admitted to having enjoyed some fisticuffs, compared to 29% of peace-loving clean shaven men. 40% of bearded men surveyed also to having stolen something, compared to just 17% of their bare-faced counterparts.

In more bad news for the facially furnished, the survey also asked women whether they thought a beard was a good look for a man. The majority of female respondents, some 65%, said no and half said they’d never consider getting romantically involved with a beard-wearer.

Over a third (35%) also said they'd rather date a man with grey hair than a big bushy beard.

Turns out, your hipster beard may be hindering your career prospects too...

Now where did we put those razors?
