Mum From Viral Pregnancy Announcement Breaks Silence: 'With Only 5% Chance Of Survival, Kaleb Is Here'

Mum From Viral Pregnancy Announcement Breaks Silence: 'Please Keep Praying'

The mother from the viral 'bun in the oven' pregnancy announcement has broken her silence to give an update on the status of her son, after it was revealed he was delivered at 24 weeks.

Dana Griffin-Graves, who has suffered one stillbirth and four miscarriages in the 17 years her and her husband have been trying for a baby, said her son Kaleb is in a "stable but critical condition".

Her husband, Arkell Graves, recently broke the news on the couple's Facebook page that their son had been delivered at 24 weeks and Dana was in critical condition.

However, Dana - who is now recovering - took to the site to explain what happened before her son was born.

She uploaded a photo in the ICU showing a tribute note to her son.

Kaleb Arkell Graves was born yesterday at 10/20/1015 at 1:08 PM. He is tiny in statue but he is a fighter. He is in...

Posted by Arkell & Dana's Baby Bun on Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Dana wrote: "When I arrived in the intensive care unit over a week ago, they told me in order to save my life, I had to terminate his. But I couldn't.

"He was my miracle and I had to give him a fighting chance to make it. Daily I was told how my chances of survival were declining because of my heart functions and chronic blood pressure.

"With only a 5% chance of survival, Kaleb is here. I'm grateful to God, my wonderful husband Arkell and my amazing family.

"Please keep praying. We are asking God to finish this and give us a healthy son."

The post, which has received more than 21,000 likes, has encouraged other mums of premature babies to step forward, share photos and tell their own stories.

One mother wrote: "I have been where you are for blood pressure issues. I wanted to send my prayers and positive vibes and tell you that he can and he will... Here is our miracle baby boy Jesigh, now four years old. Fight on Kaleb."

Another mother commented: "Praying for your family. I too am a proud preemie mum. My miracle was born at 26 weeks and spent 92 days in the NICU so I know your journey all too well. Continued prayers, love, and hugs."

The original pregnancy announcement (featured below), where Dana put a bun in the oven with the scan photo on top, has been viewed nearly 10 million times on YouTube.

Dana said she and her husband Arkell Graves started trying for a baby after their wedding in 1998.

Speaking to BuzzFeed News, Griffin-Graves said: "We had everything planned, but it just didn’t work out, so we kind of gave up."

However, she then discovered she was five months pregnant and was due in February 2016.

As soon as her pregnancy was confirmed, she started to plan the best way to tell her husband.

"There's some stuff in the oven too," she told her husband in the video while he prepped dinner.

Our thoughts are with the family.
