NSFW: Porn For Blind People Is Now A Reality Thanks To Swedish Artist Nina Linde

NSFW: Swedish Artist Designs Porn For Blind People

"Everyone needs sexual stimulation." And this is something that Swedish artist Nina Linde believes wholeheartedly.

The 33-year-old is making waves on the internet because of a book she has created which gives blind people the chance to experience porn.

The book, entitled 'Occasionally Blind', contains tactile illustrations of heterosexual, gay and lesbian couples engaging in sexual activities. There are even pointers on how to perform group sex as well as using a strap-on.

Each tactile picture is then assisted by a Braille explanation of what the couple (or group) is doing.

She decided to publish the book after visiting the Braille Library in Stockholm and finding there was nothing pornographic or remotely sexual for the visually impaired.

While the pornographic book was first published in 2010, it has recently made headlines after a copy was delivered to the National Library of Sweden.

The president of Sweden's National Federation of the Visually Impaired, Håkan Thomsson, said that the books were a positive step for blind people.

"I think that some imagine that we have no sexuality, which is not true," he said. "Visually impaired people are just as sexual as any other."

Richard Lane from disability charity Scope tells HuffPost UK Lifestyle that "too often people assume that disabled people don't have fun, fulfilling sex lives and relationships".

But it couldn't be further from the truth.

"Many of us enjoy looking at a few tantalising pictures and it’s great to see this artist enabling visually impaired people to get in on the fun," he says.

"Anything that challenges the outdated assumption that disabled people don’t enjoy sex should be welcomed."
