Jeremy Clarkson Appears In First Commercial For Amazon Prime, Makes Double Dig At BBC

Jeremy Clarkson Sings For Supper At Amazon, Manages Dig At BBC

Jeremy Clarkson has managed to do a lot in the 30 seconds of work he has so far provided for his new employer Amazon.

The presenter has made his first appearance for the streaming service in an ad for their new Fire TV Stick device and, within the short time available, he managed to...

1. Not fall off a Segway, rolling around the baronial mansion that his new wage has presumably afford him;

2. Plug the new product fully, to the satisfaction of his new paymasters;

3. Plug his new show, due on the channel early in 2016, along with his former Top Gear cohorts James May and Richard Hammond;

4. Lastly, and most sweetly, take a double swipe at his former employer the BBC.

If Jeremy Clarkson has many faults, not being able to laugh at himself is not one of them

Firstly, he mentions in passing... "Back in the spring, as you probably remember (the arrogance! but yes, we do, okay?) I suddenly became un-busy... but that was okay, because I had one of these - an Amazon Fire TV stick."

Well, yes, if that is actually a metaphor for a swift offer to scoop him up and bung him on the streaming service in a new show, for a reported £10million salary. Never has 'un-busy' proved so lucrative.

With his much-proved sweet comedic timing, he also managed a silent dig while flicking through the channels on offer, and staying deafeningly silent when the BBCiPlayer came up as an option. (Which is strange when you remember that he's already been back on the BBC since his swift exit earlier this year, with hosting duties on 'Have I Got News For You'...)

All of which will serve to keep him at the forefront of public consciousness as he, May and Hammond prepare to launch their big-budget motoring show on Amazon, a project Clarkson says he is already enjoying because of the lack of "finger-wagging" he experienced at the Beeb.

Meanwhile, Chris Evans is set to front the revamped Top Gear also in 2016, who may or may not be warmed by the prospect of the latest familiar name to be pitching for a presenting role - Jimmy Carr. See what he has to say here...


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