Blinks Of Bicester Owner Arrested For Banning Muslims From Her Beauty Parlour After Paris Attacks

Woman Arrested For Banning Muslims From Her Beauty Parlour On Facebook
PICTURE POSED BY MODEL File photo dated 27/08/15 of the Facebook logo seen reflected in a person's eye, as the social network's revenues have jumped to 4.5 billion dollars (£2.92 billion) as its number of global users grew to a record 1.55 billion.
PICTURE POSED BY MODEL File photo dated 27/08/15 of the Facebook logo seen reflected in a person's eye, as the social network's revenues have jumped to 4.5 billion dollars (£2.92 billion) as its number of global users grew to a record 1.55 billion.
Jonathan Brady/PA Wire

The owner of beautician in Bicester was arrested on Sunday in connection with a Facebook post in which she imposed a blanket ban on Muslims booking appointments at her shop. The 43-year-old posted an update following Friday’s massacre in Paris in which she officially declared Blinks of Bicester a place of segregation.

The Facebook post, since deleted, read: "Blinks of Bicester are no longer taking bookings from anyone from the Islamic faith whether you are UK granted with passport or not.. Sorry but time to put my country first". Coppers came calling after the post sparked upset among social media followers.

A Police spokeswoman said: "We have arrested a 43-year-old woman in Bicester today after a number of complaints about a racially abusive post on social media. The woman was arrested under section 19 of the Public Order Act which relates to the display of written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting with the intention of stirring up racial hatred, and for producing malicious communications."

Businesses are banned from refusing service on the basis of religion, according to the 2010 Equalities Act.


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